Selector - A File Frontend for GP2X

News - How it works - Info & Download

23 December 2007. Selector V1.3 beta is released.

21 August 2006. Selector V1.2 is released.

22 May 2006. Selector V1.1 is released.

17 May 2006. Selector V1.0 is released.

Version history:

1.3b Experimental support for F200 model touch screen.
1.2 Added CPU Speed chooser. Added text indicator for selection. Added left and right joystick screen change option.
1.1 Added DoubleColumn and Scroll Wrap options. Changed again CPU Speed to 60MHz for TV-Out Compatibility.
1.0 Final Release. Minor code cleanup and added vsync calls before RGB flipping.
0.9 Added display support for ISO-8859-1 characters in the names of files and directories. Changed the screen writing system to Minimal Lib 0.B. Changed CPU Sped to 56MHz to fix brightness problems with firmware 2.0.0. Added SelectRectangle option.
0.8 Internal Test Release
0.7 Added turkish translation, thanks to techFreak from gp32 Extreme boards.
0.6 Third public version. Adpated to Minimal Lib 0.B. Added control for faster navigation with L and R. Better skin support. Added multiple layouts.
0.5 Second public version. Background PNG image support.
0.4 (Interna). CPU speed set to 60MHz while running, recovering at exit the previous value.
0.3 (Internal). Directory identification bugs corrected. Added error message inplementation.
0.2 (Internal). Text strings localization to english and spanish.
0.1 First public version. Basic Functionality.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Copyright (c)  2006  kounch.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

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